The State of Local News in Ukraine:
Wartime Special Edition

In this analytical report, the Media Development Foundation draws a line on what happened to independent regional newsrooms in the first two months after Russia's full-scale invasion
of Ukraine on February 24.

Read the research for the previous year here:

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With the start of the full-scale war that Russia has waged in Ukraine, all spheres of our lives, including the work of the media, have come under extraordinary pressure and disruption. In this analytical report, we draw a line on what happened to the independent regional media in the first two months after the February 24 invasion.

Two months
is a long time period to adapt to any crisis. Ukrainian local media survived the first phase of the war, dealing with inevitable losses and devastating human stories.

Independent Ukrainian media worked 24/7, supporting their communities, giving updates from the frontlines, informing them about air raid alerts, possible bombings and missile strikes. The news feed, news digest and info marathon became the new main products of the media, which were distributed mainly through YouTube and Telegram. This hard work was not easy. The media lost part of the team members, the production chain lost its indispensable links. In addition, the psychological pressure exerted by Ukrainian journalists is unprecedented for the 21st century. It will take quite a long time to heal these wounds. Local media leaders were unprepared for war, which reduced productivity of the newsroom to a minimum and sometimes disintegrated the whole media organizations.

Thanks to their own savings and donor assistance, the local media managed to hold on financially, but in the next 6 months the future looks rather bleak.

Business models that were set up before the full-scale military invasion are no longer operational. Team members work under extreme psychological pressure, and the teams themselves are often scattered not only within Ukraine but around the world. The planning time-frame has shrunk sharply to one week, at best a month.

All of these imbalances need to be rethought in order to find the best ways to correct them. This survey is the first step in this direction.

The purpose of this report is to help all stakeholders in the media market to better understand the processes launched in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, the potential impact this will have on the media market and the needs of independent regional newsrooms in the short and medium term.

A detailed explanation of the sample and the formation of the questionnaire is given in the section "Methodology". Also at the end of the report there is a section called "Recommendations", which summarizes the steps that need to be taken to preserve and further rebuild the Ukrainian media market.


The hostilities exacerbated and highlighted all the problems that remained unresolved in Ukrainian regional newsrooms before the February 24 invasion. Our research team went through them in detail in a previous study, based on the results of 2021.

Many teams have vague job descriptions and responsibilities, and this problem has become even more evident in the face of stressful and intense workflow. 29% of respondents said that each member of the team performs the duties of several specialists at the same time.

Those media that have worked superficially with the analysis of their marketing data now do not have the resources to strengthen their work in this area. Among the 39 respondents, 30 were able to respond to questions regarding changes in audience performance. The rest either lacked the knowledge to collect and read the data or had no professional team members responsible for this.

The outlets, which did not have well-thought-out and long-term planning, had no plans on how to work in wartime. 38.4% of respondents indicated that one of the problems in their work is the inability to plan ahead. The vast majority of newsrooms now plan their work only a week in advance — 35.84%. These problems are compounded by a lack of resources: 69.12% of respondents noted a lack of funds to continue the normal functioning of newsrooms. This is another series of imbalances that the media will need to address.

The report covers the areas of management, finance, distribution, audience development and content, which will be explained in more detail below.


Working in a war economy


Even before the full-scale invasion operating a media company meant shifting between different roles and expecting the same from your team. However, the unstable number of employees, the need to work from different parts of the country and the extreme psychological pressure forces employees of media organizations to take on responsibilities that are not related to their qualifications. In addition, strategic and operational planning, which was not implemented everywhere before the invasion, has now been narrowed down to a week.


Until February 24, 2022, the outlets that participated in the study were evenly distributed throughout the regions of Ukraine, with a slight predominance of respondents from Odesa and Zaporizhia regions (3 respondents in each region, while other regions are represented by 1-2 respondents).

However, at the time of completing the questionnaire (mid-April), the physical locations of the newsrooms changed: with a predominance of Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia, Zaporizhia and Odesa regions (2 respondents each).

Thus, we note the relocation of newsrooms from potentially unsafe cities to safer western regions. However, it can also be seen that 60.5% of newsrooms remained in their home regions.

Changes in the number of employees

Almost half — 48.64% of respondents — note that there were no changes when it comes to the number of employees in the newsroom. At the same time, the editors and media managers who filled out the questionnaire indicated that they were making efforts to maintain the core team of the media outlet.

In 33.28% of the surveyed media, on the contrary, the number of employees increased. And those are full-time members of the team, and only in isolated cases — it's freelancers or volunteers.

17.93% of respondents indicated that their team had decreased. At the same time, it was not possible to correlate with the geographical location of the outlets: the number of media workers was reduced both in newsrooms from the east of the country and from the central, southern and western regions.

Freelancers were at the greatest risk of layoffs: 3 out of 39 media outlets stopped working with freelancers while focusing on keeping the core team. And only one of the surveyed media began to engage freelancers as a supplement to the main team, which remained unchanged.

Roles and responsibilities

Previous research has shown that planning and assigning responsibilities within a team is still a challenge for media organizations. Although they are increasingly demonstrating a good will for strategizing and foreseeing their own activities. The war did not thwart these intentions, but significantly weakened them, adding a chaotic variety of approaches to the organization of work.

In general, there are three different ways in which newsrooms can handle the division of responsibilities.

The first approach is to adhere to a "pre-war" distribution of responsibilities. Newsrooms that follow this scenario have been able to retain most of their employees and, consequently, processes because they were based in safer locations or adapted quickly to the new conditions.

Of course, the psychological and emotional climate within the team and the general security situation do not allow everyone to demonstrate the pre-war level of productivity, but with the preserved workflows, the media outlet can gradually adapt to new conditions more meaningfully. This is the case in 47% of media outlets that participated in the survey.

The second approach (29% of media) is a significant increase in the responsibilities of team members, given that employees additionally engaged in volunteer work or territorial defense and have to deal with the challenges of remote work. Editors become grant managers, journalists run social media pages, and everyone is involved in content production:

As an editor, I am now looking for grants, running a channel on Telegram, and sometimes writing news. Journalists volunteer and write news that they monitor themselves, partially write articles for other outlets, both foreign or national; the system administrator has switched to part-time because we are not in the office, so he has no workload, and the advertising manager is working as another grant manager

- Media based in the center of the country

The third approach (24% of media) is that the work of the newsroom is divided into shifts and without a clear division of responsibilities. This format is aptly described by the quote "everyone does everything". This kind of distribution does not depend on the newsroom location.

In fact, now it is difficult to say who is responsible for what, because there is a lot of work, it often does not correspond to the specialization of performers, just everyone does what he or she can and helps others

— Media based in the center of the country

Psychological and emotional state of the team

Most often, newsrooms report that their teams feel exhausted (the poll was conducted after the 40th day of the full-scale invasion). Depletion occurs for a number of reasons:

night air raid alerts that disrupt the ability to sleep;

personal experiences related to the safety of family and relatives;

lack of days off (some outlets introduced a mode divided into work shifts).

Accordingly, productivity and communication within the team suffer. Of course, this is also influenced by the fact that the newsrooms have returned to remote work within the team (some employees have relocated and cannot return to their initial locations). But also the general unfavorable background exacerbates emotional breakdowns and conflicts. Some outlets acknowledge that the cycle of "tension-breakdown-stability-tension" tends to repeat itself. The psychological burden on team members is one of the biggest problems faced by the editorial staff. 61.44% of the media say they are experiencing such a problem.

At the same time, about half of the editors also say they understand the importance of their own work as part of joint efforts by the whole society and that allows for cautious optimism:

We are holding on, although it is difficult, but the courage of the Ukrainian army and the hard work of volunteers is encouraging!

— Media based in the west of the country

It can be seen that compared to the first days of war, some newsrooms were able to cope with excessive emotions through general stabilization, involvement of psychologists, meaningful activities, which, according to editorial staff, accelerates and brings victory over the enemy:

Everyone worked like a maniac, but probably only about a month later team members managed to get on track, if you can call it that. Anxiety attacks at night, personal experiences are exhausting… I was also emotionally overwhelmed, so I took the opportunity to work with a psychotherapist who specializes in working with journalists. Now the situation has more or less stabilized for everyone.

— Media based in the center of the country

However, being far from home and exposed to the intense news flow about shellings worsens employee well-being, increases anxiety and triggers a cycle of alternating phases of stability and emotional breakdowns.

Work capacity

33 out of 39 respondents were able to reflect on the effectiveness of their media outlet's work. 46.08% of the media note that the percentage of their work capacity has decreased. Among the reasons: increased news flow and at the same time psychological pressure on the team, relocation of newsrooms and the dispersion of teams, frequent air raid alerts.

A slight decrease of capacity (within 90-70% of normal) was noted by 7 respondents (17.92%). Another 6 indicated that their work capacity fell below 50% of normal (15.36%).

60% (of work capacity preserved) due to air raid sirens, team relocation

— Media based in the center of the country

Despite the difficulties, there are some media outlets that have been able to increase their workflow(23.04%). Another 15.36% were able to maintain the same level of work capacity as before the military escalation.

I am proud that we know how to mobilize in a crisis. I believe that we work with 100% efficiency as for such a small team and manage to create unique stories, not just news pieces

— Media based in the center of the country

Planning time-frame

In one of the previous sections, 38.4% of respondents indicated that one of the problems in their work is the inability to plan ahead. The vast majority of newsrooms now plan their work only a week in advance — 35.84% of respondents. Another 15.36% of the media work with a planning time-frame of 3 days. One of the outlets that joined the poll is generally planning only one day in advance. However, there are some media that plan their work processes for 6 months and by the end of the year — 5.12%, respectively. Another 15.36% plan for a month in advance, and 7.68% — for a few weeks.

A wider range of problems

Other common issues of the media include lack of human resources (46.08%), access to sources of information and human stories (35.84%), and inability to plan work (38.4%). Some 23.04% of respondents also noted difficulties in access to infrastructure as one of the problems they face. Another 28.16% cannot guarantee safety for all team members, while 10.24% indicated public distrust of journalists. Three other outlets noted the risks associated with the possible mobilization of journalists: part of the newsrooms may leave at any time, and due to the lack of qualified personnel, the situation will not be resolved quickly.


Previous research has indicated that regional newsrooms have sought to build a commercial model for financial independence. However, Russia's full-scale invasion has halted the advertising market, and the media now need to build new models of self-financing from scratch. However, currently the only possible way of financing is to attract external funds — grants. Therefore, the vast majority of media organizations are now forced to turn to this mechanism.

Resources that have been preserved

Most outlets have retained either all or most of their material resources. These include equipment (laptops, computers, podcast recording equipment, cameras) and offices in the cities from which they had to leave. Among those who failed to save 100% of their material base, the main reason for this is the direct attack — in one of the TV companies the equipment for broadcasting failed due to a direct military strike on the power source; the office of one of the newsrooms was damaged by an explosion.

The issue of finances is the one that stands out, because even those outlets that have preserved the equipment say that the funds for work have become much scarce. Media use their own savings, while team members may leave because employers fail to pay salaries. At the same time, there is a share of media professionals who work on a "volunteer basis". A number of media outlets say that they received assistance (in the form of emergency financing) from media-focused organizations — Media Development Foundation, Lviv Media Forum and others. Thereby, it was possible for a number of media outlets to pay salaries to employees for March and April.

At the same time, the lack of funds was the biggest problem of the surveyed media — it was noted by 69.12% of respondents.

Budget planning and availability of funds

Almost all outlets carry out budget planning: 92.16% answered in the affirmative. Another 5.12% do not carry out such planning, and 2.56% could not answer the question.

Among the 39 media outlets that participated in the survey, 4 could not estimate how long they would have enough resources. 3 outlets — which is 7.68% — have a very small margin of safety, their savings will last for the next 1-2 weeks. Another 23.04% have savings for the next month and thus form a budget on a monthly basis.

Attracting grant funding

81.6% of outlets indicated that they used mechanisms to attract grants from international organizations (submitted proposals, etc.). This means that the vast majority of independent local newsrooms — including those that have not yet applied for support — are aware of such a funding mechanism and have turned to it for funding during a critical period.

The main reason for the successful obtaining of grant funding is the established good reputation of the media organization:

We succeeded thanks to a professional approach, a focus on quality journalism and a good reputation.

— Media based in the center of the country

Other factors that help regional outlets to successfully apply for grants are simplification of the application procedure and joining forces with other media to submit a group project (1 respondent indicated these).

Some 22.9% of newsrooms are currently waiting for a decision from donor organizations, all of them are diversifying their applications by applying for 2-3 grants at a time.

Those 19.4% of outlets that stated that they did not use the grant funding mechanism give the following reasons:

A relevant grant could not be found; media are concerned that they will not be able to guarantee the successful implementation of the project;

Lack of experience in working with grant applications, lack of understanding of the correct approach to them;

Perception that regional outlets are not fit to receive a grant funding (a representative of 1 media referred to it as an "inferiority complex").

Використання краудфандингу

Only about a third of outlets (31.6%) tried to get funding from their own audience. At the same time, only 3 media report some success in such campaigns — in one case it is due to the fact that the funds went to volunteering, in the other two — the successful pace of raising funds "before the war."

Other media outlets say that the experience was unsuccessful — the amount of funding attracted is low, and in wartime, the editors say, readers prefer to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteer initiatives.


The growing demand for breaking news and the changed information agenda of everyday life have significantly increased the workload of the newsrooms and distribution mechanisms. As we noted in our previous research, many local outlets did not work systematically in this direction before the war. Consecutively, in the new environment this problem has become more noticeable.

Audience metrics

From the first days of war, the audience's demand for news increased significantly. As a result, those media outlets (ed. – both local and national), which satisfied this emerging demand by increasing the output of news content, saw traffic growth. Media outlets specializing in longform journalism like longreads or investigations hadn't seen traffic growth or reported insignificant decrease of it.

30 out of 39 media outlets managed to report the changes in audience metrics between the current situation and pre-invasion one. One respondent reported that he/she doesn't possess the knowledge in audience analytics for proper interpretation of data, another one said that the staff analyst has been mobilized in the Armed Forces.

The majority of media outlets (66,56%) with capacity to analyze audience data reported that their audience has increased. 10,24% also note that the spike in audience numbers occurred during the first days of the invasion. After that, the numbers began to show the pre-war levels of audience growth.

10,24% of publishers reported that their audience had decreased. The reasoning behind it includes DDoS-attacks, page bans on Facebook, and difficulties with creating and distributing content (this particular reason has been reported by 2 investigative media outlets).

Differences between pre-war distribution system and a war one

The distribution system in the local media went in three different ways, according to their answers. Either the system hadn't changed at all, or media organizations increased the range of distribution channels, or they decided to focus on a smaller number of channels.

The first scenario ('practically nothing changed at all') is present in 38.5% of the media. They say that they managed to preserve all their regular distribution channels and resources to support them.

The second scenario (increasing distribution channels) is present in 12,8% of the media. It's important to note that the media have lately turned to messengers in an attempt to expand their distribution network, namely Viber and Telegram. Media outlets reported that messengers allow for a quick informing of their audience as they turn to messenger notifications more actively due to the need to check air raid sirens.

The third scenario (focusing on a smaller number of distribution channels) is present in 25,6% of the media. All the media, which expressed the presence of this particular system, said that they've focused on digital, allocating less resources to print, excess television or digital content.

There are exceptions to the rule. Three media organizations noted that their distribution system is practically non-existent – it is chaotic, there's no possibility for printing a newspaper. Lack of planning capabilities is apparent. Yet, two media outlets said that they've built their distribution department from scratch.

Publisher needs

The majority of media note that they experience a lack of resources needed to build a proper distribution system. Some 28,2% of media organizations said that they need a proper distribution specialist or a social media manager. Another 25,6% of media organizations said they don't have sufficient costs for running social media campaigns and for paying salaries to staff.

Media organizations (38,5%) share a thought that one should invest in social media to achieve better content distribution. The following list includes social media, which are necessary for expanding distribution system, according to the local publishers (social media are listed according to number of mentions):






Tik Tok

Other thoughts about development of distribution have been voiced sparsely, which could mean lack of systemic knowledge in this domain. There were thoughts about the necessity of SEO (2 media), understanding of work with Google News (2 media), and the development of a system, which will work in times of peace (2 media). Also, 2 media organizations reported, that they don't need any changes as they're fine at the moment.


Local media remain in a state of constant flux of their editorial plan after 2 months of pain and stress. The process of content transformation could be organized in following stages: the first one being "The Shock" – media cease all their current projects to allocate human and finite financial resources to news content, or in critical cases suspend almost all their activities due to dangerous situations, relocation of newsrooms, disorientation of top management. This stage was beneficial for those who managed to organize their work around formats like chronicles or 'marathons' and focused on social media.

The second stage, "Adaptation", is characterized by media organizations trying to find their niche in serving the audience's informational needs. Individual projects appear (like specific problem articles, special projects on volunteer support, interviews). The problem is that a lot of local media stereotypically repeat the same approaches to projects – 'homefront stories', 'portraits of combatants', 'volunteer profiles'. Those with a long-term perspective in mind not betting on stories that are directly linked to the frontline would probably benefit from this stage. We're now arriving at the third stage of this situation, which is characterized by rethinking the possible future for media work.

Formats, which currently draw the most organizational resources

Media outlets focused on quick reporting: 76,8% of the media organizations noted that producing the news drains the most resources. This correlates with results of previous research, which indicates the focus on short form journalism. Media are also working intensely to produce analytics (28,16%), photo and video formats (17,92%), reportage stories (12,8%).

Respondents have also mentioned 'repackaging' their content for different platforms, as 17,92% of media outlets have said that they are working in that direction. 10,24% of media outlets are working with investigations and another 10,24% invest in longform content (multimedia and documentary projects). This kind of content demands a huge investment of time, costs and logistics as well as qualified specialists and technical equipment.

Media outlets experience a lack of those resources. Publishers say that they see a shortage of news editors, as well as factcheckers and videographers. Therefore, we can see that the lack of financial resources is the reason for a majority of problems with content creation, considering the severely crippled ability of media organizations to work with freelancers and external experts.

Media organizations also experience problems with quick access to information – 51,2% of the media mentioned this as regards content creation.

Inability to access information from official sources – city council, police and regional press center. Especially it is true for the consequences of invasion, though it is true also for everyday topics. People have fled, heads of department aren't exactly working. Those who have stayed don't respond.

— Media based in the east of the country

Two investigative media outlets said that they experience a lot of problems in creating investigative pieces due to the lack of access to information.

Which formats do they want to develop

Media organizations express their willingness to invest in long form journalism. An absolute majority of the media want to move away from a constant news stream in one way or another. Three media organizations stated their readiness to develop their news content, however even those said that news content isn't their only focus. It also correlates with previous research, as media outlets expressed their willingness to create longform journalism before the war. In addition, media outlets started to 'repackage' their content into new formats – social-first videos and Youtube shows.

We can also see that the war influenced attitude towards visual content – 15 media outlets (38,5%) want to invest in visual content, namely long and short newsreels, photo stories, documentaries, streams. In addition, two media organizations expressed their willingness to work with podcasts.

There is also an observable turn to human interest stories with focus on their experiences. 23% of publishers want to invest in human stories (both in text and video). If we're to add interviews and features to this number, we'll get 41%. That means that media outlets experience fatigue from news chronicling the war, and they see that their audiences have the same demand for long form human stories.

Media organizations gradually transition from the traditional website-focused workflow to social media and multimedia formats like social-first videos, reviews, recurring video shows. Also, media organizations (38,5%) noted that they want to strengthen their analytics both in the military specifics and economics. We can assume that readiness to delve into the current situation and make sense of it is emblematic for their audiences as well.


A probable vision for future

How local publishers see their own development

Foremost, there are media organizations that do not think about the future and development, due to the current situation. Six media outlets (15,4%) noted that it is too early to think about any kind of growth and planning as the mere existence of a newsroom is at stake. Other publishers have the capacity to search for opportunities to grow in launching new formats, partnerships with other media, and fundraising.

A number of media outlets observed that they have gained a part of a new audience. It is especially true for regions that have embraced internally displaced persons in their cities and towns. Therefore, media organizations see that as a point of growth as they will satisfy emerging informational needs from those people. New audiences arise internationally too due to the newly found interest in Ukraine. Media outlets say that transnational cooperation between newsrooms also can be a point of growth.

Several media outlets feel the need to develop local communities by uniting their efforts. This thought has arisen due to media organizations feeling the mobilizing force of the communities via audience metrics (according to them, the number of unique users increased many-fold, especially in Telegram).

The main efforts in achieving the aforementioned growth are the following:

  • writing proposals for grant support (28,2%)
  • determined everyday work (12,8%)
  • allocating preserved resources to creating new content (10,3%)

Other voiced thoughts were expressed by a single media organization: implementation of short-term and middle-term planning, translating their text and subtitles to videos into English, reorganizing the distribution system.

Plan for 'after victory'

Some 61,5% have a plan for 'after victory'. Media outlets had a plan, some kind of stability that allowed them to plan and study. We can observe that there is a demand for convergence of different regions and local communities. Media organizations want to make reportage stories about liberated cities and preserve the memory of war seen by ordinary people. They want to revitalize communities with the help of those who will return to Ukraine.

Those media organizations with the plan for 'after victory' show their readiness to see into the future, which, according to them, has a powerful potential to bring the country back to life. Therefore, newsrooms want to upgrade their websites and launch new formats. Media outlets aim to make a leap in quality in organization of their work (by creating a media holding for example).

Finances are less present in the 'after victory' plans. Singular respondents say that there will be a need to diversify income streams and there will be a need to work more intensely with monetization models based on reader revenue.

Aiming for 'after the victory' give sense to a new reality local media found themselves in. It directs them towards strategic thinking.


Based on the data collected and the assessments of the experts involved in this report (the full list of authors can be found in the "Team" section), we have identified a number of recommendations on how to support and preserve Ukrainian independent media.

These recommendations will be useful for donors and other market participants interested in support and protection the media landscape in Ukraine:



First of all, it is necessary to ensure basic security for the team, which includes relocation of team members and their families, provision of technical equipment and safety gear in order to report on the ground (bulletproof vests, helmets, vests with "Press" sign).

Redistribution of responsibilities within the team and a clear definition of the areas of responsibility of each employee and the KPI's, which they will focus on in the future.

To stabilize the psychological and emotional condition of the team members, using complex tools: work with a psychologist individually or in a team, group sessions with management on the psychological state and providing support ("compare notes"). Determining the work and rest schedule for each team member.

Holding at least weekly planning of the work activities in the newsroom, with efforts to increase the time frame for planning. Developing a new system of communication on the management level.

Collection of feedback from employees on their condition and working conditions in the organization (for example, do it quarterly via Google form,).

Developing a procedure for selecting, interviewing candidates for vacant positions and onboarding new employees (checklists: communication channels, access, rules, strategy, etc.)

Carry out targeted training of the team or its individual members in accordance with the new needs of the media outlet. For example, consider a situation in which the CEO is volunteering or joined the Armed Forces, and the project manager / editor-in-chief should manage the media without previous management experience; or when recruiting new employees of the commercial department to conduct their training. It is necessary to determine which topics are important while conducting such training, involve external experts and embody this as a systematic process.



Conduct an audit of available resources, optimize costs, develop financial plans (P&L) in three variations: pessimistic, optimistic and realistic

Identify the person in charge of monetization and fundraising and create a fundraising department, draw up a plan of revenues from donors

Learn to work with mechanisms for attracting grant funds, finding relevant funding programs and the basics of grant / project management. Due to the collapse of the advertising market for many media, this has become a major source for attracting resources and saving newsrooms.



After the stabilization of the team, jointly set the strategy of the media during the wartime and after it. Develop strategic plans for its implementation by the end of the year.

Identify strategic goals (2-3) and objectives for further follow-up of the strategy.



Conduct an audit of the newsroom's capacity and the content that the media creates. Identify the content types that are most in demand in the audience, and focus on performing professional and ethical journalism

Train editors to work with advanced tools for collecting and verifying information online (eg CrowdTangle, TweetDeck). Mastering these tools will help reduce the impact of geographical remoteness for those newsrooms that have been forced to leave their hometowns and relocate for security reasons.

There is an issue with the loss of the links in the chain of creating media products (migration, volunteering, etc.). These links need to be replaced, and new employees need to be trained, which takes up to 2 months. Accordingly, training programs are needed for both basic and middle-level media workers.



During the wartime, regional media's websites were repeatedly attacked by hackers. That is why it is important to conduct a security audit and provide reliable protection against DDoS attacks.

Ensure the security of personal data, devices, access. Both individual (journalists, editors) and collective (editorial data). You need to keep digital security in mind.

Transfer all media's sites to a reliable and secure server.


The data was collected through surveys and in-depth interviews.
39 media organizations took part in the research.

The sample was formed with following criteria in mind:


local independent news publisher
media from all regions of Ukraine


staff (fully or partially)
are on the Ukraine-controlled territory


media continued their work during the wartime
even with limited access to information and resources, using social media, messengers and digital platforms

Survey questions were organized on the principle of the needs that arose after the beginning
of the full-scale invasion




continuation of work(the availability of resources and finances)


planning their activities and organization of business processes in new circumstances

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Tetiana Gordienko

Tetiana Gordiienko

PhD student of Media and Communications at Mohyla School of Journalism. Media expert in the field of content, newsroom planning, storytelling

Andriy Boborykin

Andriy Boborykin

Executive Director of the UP. Expert in digital marketing, development of media products and media communities, building funding models for the media.

Evgeniya Oliynyk

Ievgeniia Oliinyk

Head of Research at Media Development Foundation. Media expert in the field of strategic development and planning, fundraising, media management.

Evgen Zaslavskiy

Eugene Zaslavsky

Executive Director, Media Development Foundation. Expert in media management, strategic development and operational planning, selection and construction of funding models for the media.

Andriy Dihtyarenko

Andriy Dikhtyarenko

editor-in-chief of news division and host of the All-Ukrainian news marathon at Ukrainian public broadcaster "Suspilne"

Valeriy Garmash

Valery Garmash

CEO of "Maie Sense" media holding. Founder of the online media Specialist in building commercial departments, setting up systems for efficiency evaluation, finding and building funding models for the media.

Katerina Titarchyk

Kateryna Tytarchuk

Project Manager at MDF

Maks Sribnyi

Maksym Sribny

Master of the Mohyla School of Journalism, researcher at the Media Development Foundation. Specialist in content analysis of media, quantitative and qualitative methods of media evaluation

Anastasiya Moroz

Anastasia Moroz

Project Manager at MDF

Vadim Didyk

Vadym Didyk

Project Manager at MDF
